Github Actions

Skipping ‘rerun’ scheduled builds

Suppose you have some expensive CI workflow, long-running tests or the like. It’s too expensive to run on every commit, so you schedule it to run once a day instead:

name: daily

    #8am cst
    - cron: "0 13 * * *"

Now you hack on this project all weekend, and then you stop committing for awhile. However, the daily build will run whether you committed or not. As a consequence, the daily build becomes more expensive than the on: push version.

Instead, you want some way to run the build each day, only if there are new commits. There are various suggestions for how to do this based on publishing artifacts, parsing dates and other approaches. However, these seem rather overengineered/finicky to me.

Instead, these 2 steps will cancel a workflow if there’s a matching commit sha in the cache:

      - id: cache-sha
        uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v2.1.0
          path: /tmp/nosuchpath
          key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{github.job}}
      - uses: andymckay/cancel-action@0.2
        if: ${{ steps.cache-sha.outputs.cache-hit == 'true' }}

GitHub does purge the cache eventually, so this may sometimes rerun. However, it works pretty well for me.

Another trick is to do this on a cheap platform like Linux, before spinning up jobs on an expensive platform like macOS:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - id: cache-sha
        uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v2.1.0
          path: /tmp/nosuchpath
          key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{github.job}}
      - uses: andymckay/cancel-action@0.2
        if: ${{ steps.cache-sha.outputs.cache-hit == 'true' }}
  # make sure our code compiles
    runs-on: macos-latest
    needs: [maybe-cancel]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: run
      run: xcodebuild ...

The macOS job will not begin until the linux job confirms a cache miss. Since linux is 10x cheaper than macOS, this is a significant savings.

Incremental builds


There are several tricks to incremental builds with xcodebuild:

  1. Backup/restore DerivedData with a actions/cache action.
  2. Manually tar/untar
    1. tar with cfPp [tarfile] --format posix. This preserves various attributes used by xcodebuild
    2. untar with xvp. This preserves various attributes used by xcodebuild
  3. Set mtime on all sourcefiles to a consistent value
  4. Include -IgnoreFileSystemDeviceInodeChanges=YES on the xcodebuild CLI

A complete example:

  #first we want to check out our sourcecode; we will also use this as a staging area for caches.
  #note that if we do this too late, our sourcetree will overwrite staging data.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2

#This will get the date in a variety of components that we can concatenate manually.  Goal
#is to find the most recent data, which will speed up our cache time.
- name: Get Date
  id: get-date
  run: |
    echo "::set-output name=minute::$(/bin/date -u "+%M")"
    echo "::set-output name=week::$(/bin/date -u "+%U")"
    echo "::set-output name=date::$(/bin/date -u "+%Y%m%d")"
    echo "::set-output name=hour::$(/bin/date -u "+%H")"
  shell: bash
# Use the data collected above to build up cache keys into buckets in order of preference
- uses: actions/cache@v2
    path: dd-tar-cache
    key: metaltest-1-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.week }}-${{ }}-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.hour }}-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.minute }}
    restore-keys: |
      metaltest-1-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.week }}-${{ }}-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.hour }}
      metaltest-1-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.week }}-${{ }}
      metaltest-1-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.week }}

# Extract our derived data from a tar file, if available.  We need to tar in its own step
# to preserve permissions, use posix notation for higher-resolution timestamps, etc
- name: dd untar
  run: if [ -f dd-tar-cache/dd.tar ]; then tar xvPpf dd-tar-cache/dd.tar; else echo "No cache file"; fi

# Xcode uses the mtime as one of its signals for incremental builds.  When we check out a repository, the mtime
# is initially the time we did the checkout, which means that each build will be 'new'.
# The script below sets the mtime based on the time the file was modified in git.  It's not exact,
# but it's at least *consistent*, which is what we need for incremental builds.
- name: set mtime
  run: |
    set +e
    git submodule foreach 'rev=HEAD; for f in $(git ls-tree -r -t --full-name --name-only "$rev") ; do     touch -t $(git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=format:%Y%m%d%H%M.%S -1 "$rev" -- "$f") "$f"; done'
    rev=HEAD; for f in $(git ls-tree -r -t --full-name --name-only "$rev") ; do     touch -t $(git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=format:%Y%m%d%H%M.%S -1 "$rev" -- "$f") "$f"; done
# Specify a particular version of xcode.  In this example, I'm using xcode 12 beta
- name: xcode-select
  run: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

# Important to this part, we use a custom `derivedDataPath` and we tell xcode to ignore inode changes.
- name: test
  run: xcodebuild -IgnoreFileSystemDeviceInodeChanges=YES -derivedDataPath localDerivedData -scheme "MyScheme" | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# tar up the derived data in the appropriate format that we used for untarring above.
- name: dd-tar
  run: mkdir -p dd-tar-cache && tar cfPp dd-tar-cache/dd.tar --format posix localDerivedData


In spite of the fact that actions/cache lists an example for this usage, I don’t believe it is currently possible.

Further reading on this topic:

Can any of these be placed in a reusable GitHub action?

Not currently, at least not maintainably. The “cache” action is very complex and cannot be trivially composed with other behavior. See #612 for adding the “uses” flag to recursively compose actions.

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